
March 27, 2022


His eyes lit up and his face beamed with a wide smile.


It was a day to his official resumption at his new place of appointment as he was just recently promoted.


Amina, his wife, understood that gifts can always brighten his day and she decided to surprise her husband “Usanna” with a gift of a dozen new pack shirts. That was all that was needed to get his oxytocin pumping.


He got up, received the gifts and gave her a warm embrace and dopamine. 


What exactly brought about these beautiful feelings?


Was it because a gift was bought?


Not necessarily, it was because the correct love code was used and that is gift giving.


Gifts giving: Gifts is a pretty straightforward love language.You feel loved when your spouse gives you gifts.


It is the symbolic thought behind the gift that matters not the monetary value. If this is your style, you would find that you recognize and value the gift-giving process: the careful reflection, the deliberate choosing of the object to represent the marriage, and the emotional benefits from receiving the present. 


People whose love language is receiving gifts enjoy being gifted something that is both physical and meaningful. The key is to give meaningful things that matter to them and reflect their values, not necessarily yours.


If you or your loved one feels loved when they receive a gift then there is a high chance that gift is their love code. The gift itself is nice, but it’s really the thought behind it that counts. The gift helps you remember they were thinking of you, which fills you with love.


See you can connect with your spouse and you also need to learn to forgive.

This we shall explore on our free bi-weekly webinar. Join us in the next episode of MEALS with Chinny coming up on the 29th March, 2022 as we explore forgiveness and letting go in marriage:,

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