Oh! Conditioning, how you have killed marriages. The open exchange of conversation is vital for a happy marriage irrespective of the subject matter. Do you know that without an open exchange of conversation you cannot enjoy your intimate life as a married couple? Do you encourage each other
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In the early days of my marriage, I was a wreck with communication as I would always conclude based on the impulse of my mind or the dominant emotion at play at any given moment. Ashi! How frustrated and confused I often felt afterwards, I felt ill-treated until I
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It is indeed laughable when a married couple solves the equation of marriage as though it were some arithmetic problem. Sometimes you may have to go 90 percent to meet your spouse’s 10 percent sometimes, and at other times, your partner may have to go 90 percent to meet you
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Bob was fond of giving roses to Grace during their courtship. This was one thing Grace loved about him as a gift is her core means of feeling loved. After marriage, Bob relaxed and felt there was no need for all those roses because according to him “he need
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Mrs Nwando(not real name) is a nursery school teacher who is married to a local trader. They are surviving on their daily income and barely have little to save or invest. Mrs Nwando, however, would not live within her means as she is competing with her neighbor and wants
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What I have discovered in my years of practice is that so many married couples do not know the reason for their marriage. Why did you get married? Why did you marry the person you married? Why marriage? Similar, right? I know but I tell you they are not
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She sat next to him and the light was turned off in the sitting room. Next, the instruction went off, “no matter what never you open your eyes” instructed the master in the room. Try to reach each other’s toes and this they did with an endless search. Eventually,
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This past weekend my husband and I strolled through the tree-lined street admiring some of the new buildings in our estate. We passed one that housed an exterior balcony and we saw this new couple with an elderly man. The elderly man said to the new couple “Put forth your
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“YOU ARE WHAT YOU DO” When it comes to your marriage, I would say, “YOU ARE WHAT YOU DO.” The TIME spent with your spouse determines the strength of your marriage. When you spend it together and you feel connected. Do your own thing too often and you might sleep
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I know you have marriage problems and your situation probably appears to be very complicated. Maybe it is but maybe it’s not. Maybe what’s complicated about your marriage is the way you’re analyzing it. Have you ever had a marital conflict, only find a solution to a problem and realise
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