High blood pressure is considered the “silent killer,” because it typically gives no obvious signs. Many people who have high blood pressure felt just fine before the undetected increase in blood pressure puts them at increased risk of heart disease, disability, and death. What does this have to do with
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Contrary to what I hear people say now about being afraid of getting married, I was very optimistic about marriage and love. I just knew mine would be a love made in heaven…Aha My prince charming reached out to me in a very mature but romantic way. Just the way
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Of what use is a marriage coach? Asked Mr & Mrs naysay After all that they say is common knowledge and every marriage goes through a crisis including that so-called marriage coach. Haba Ma! Haba sir! relax, life na je-je and yes you are absolutely right about the statement.
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Back in my early years of marriage, I was so confused whenever a conflict broke out between both my spouse and I. Once in one of those situations… I said to my spouse “You see this marriage thing, I don’t think it is working out” We had just had a
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One question married people fail to answer before they embark on the journey of marriage is WHY? Why do I want to get married? If you do not know this then you are far from bliss in your marriage. Yes, bliss can only occur with a deep sense of serenity
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Determining what our purpose is in life can be one of the hardest questions that we as humans must try to answer. In this article we will be going through a step-by-step process, exploring your feelings and options, and by the end, you should have a fairly solid tool you
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Look, I love the idea of husband and wife. Yes, I love marriage and the concept of man and wife makes me blush. Marriage is indeed a beautiful thing and more beautiful is it if you willingly went into marriage with a clear vision. Do not get me wrong. There
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