

The danger called fake reality in marriage

Mrs Nwando(not real name) is a nursery school teacher who is married to a local trader. They are surviving on their daily income and barely have little to save or invest.   Mrs Nwando, however, would not live within her means as she is competing with her neighbor and wants

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How to move from “my” to “our”?

“YOU ARE WHAT YOU DO” When it comes to your marriage, I would say, “YOU ARE WHAT YOU DO.” The TIME spent with your spouse determines the strength of your marriage. When you spend it together and you feel connected. Do your own thing too often and you might sleep

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How to forgive and be forgiven?

How to forgive and be forgiven

The closer you are to someone, the more likely you are to step on their toes. After all familiarity, they say it breeds contempt, and being married to someone certainly puts you closer together. So the chances are good that you and your spouse would hurt each other. The point

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