If divorce is harmful for your mental health, an antagonistic divorce is 10 times worse. You can avoid these antagonistic divorce by becoming more aware of the ‘Conscious Uncoupling’ as a tool to resolve conflict. The concept that separation may be a polite, compassionate, private process that does not have
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The first early years of marriage may be a fantastic time to get to know each other intimately, to establish a home together, and to start your own rituals. It may, however, be stressful. The process of merging two people with vastly different backgrounds, experiences, family histories, and expectations into
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1. The end of this toxic connection may teach the emotionally abusive individual that not everyone will tolerate her personally focused rage. It may force her to reconsider her actions. 2. Making this significant adjustment may boost your self-esteem. 3. It may offer you a sense of empowerment you weren’t
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Everyone comes to a point in their lives when they must decide whether to maintain a connection with a friend, partner, or family member. You consider how much you are supposed to take from another person. In the past, you have always considered his justifying circumstances and endured his verbal
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As I listened to the conversation held by some group of married couples a time ago, they made a statement I consider laughable. They implied that couples should avoid disagreement in their marriage, because the shared the believe that couple who love each other should not agree or conflict. This
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Conflict frequently develops because we do not always accurately interpret another person’s conduct or words. It requires some communication talent to accomplish so. Some people were raised in households where communication skills were modelled, discussed, and developed over time hence the find problem solving easy. As a consequence, they
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Step 1. Knowing, accepting, and adapting to differences is required for conflict resolution. One of the old myth in marriage is that opposites attract and this has been a great source of conflict because that same thing which attracted you would soon become the edgy that causes conflict except a
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Some marital problems appear permanent simply because you have not applied the right conflict resolution strategy to that dispute. You find couples are repeatedly arguing about the same issue as a result of this circumstance but they never stop to ask themselves why do we keep arguing about this? However,
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In order to resolve marital conflict, it is importance to understand the different stages of conflict that virtually every married couple go through in their marriage.The following are four stages of marital conflict that intensify marital discord: 1. Have Your Say. Couples who are newly married prefer to avoid confrontation in
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I share these not because I know it all or because my marriage is perfect, but because just like you, we are deliberately working on our marriage to attain serenity each passing moment. Here are seven Habits, I have found healthy for Conflict Resolution in Marriage since my intentional journey:
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