Hello mum, please give me a bear hug and I am like “what is wrong with this one.”
That is my son.
Before now, when I was ignorant of the various ways people give and receive love, I was that mum that did not like clinging to children.
Yes, this touch, touch things, is not my thing.However, I had to learn.
Awareness is strength. Sometimes, we deprive our loved ones of the most important need in their lives not because we love them less but simply because we do not know better.
Touch is a very important way of showing love and receiving love and these are the ways you would know if you or loved one fall under this category.
Physical Touch: If you observe that you or your spouse look forward to hugs, cuddles, kissing and nothing beats tactile, physical intimacy
Couple with physical touch as their love language feel loved when they receive physical signs of affection, including kissing, holding hands, cuddling on the couch, and sex.
Physical intimacy and touch can be incredibly affirming and serve as a powerful emotional connector for married couples with this love code. Often the roots go back to our childhood,
Couples with this love code, when they consent to it, feel appreciated when they are hugged, kissed, or cuddled. They value the feeling of warmth and comfort that comes with physical touch
Tender caresses and physical affection are everything.Use body language and touch to express love.
This week, we shall explore forgiveness and letting go in our free bi-weekly webinar and a bonus topic on handling money conflicts in marriage.
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Passcode: MEALS103
Join us in the next episode of MEALS with Chinny coming up on the 29th March, 2022 as we explore forgiveness and letting go in marriage:,