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Diagnostic Assessments & Analysis

Evolve Assessment & Analysis

After your complimentary call, if you are still unsure about committing to a coaching relationship, many clients like to dip their toes in the water by starting with the thrive Assessment and Debrief.


After taking the assessment, we will get more specific as to what emotions and past experiences are getting in your way of moving forward. We will discuss concrete examples of what we could work on in a coaching relationship based on your results. Below are some of thriving appraisal and analysis:

Thrive Appraisal & Analysis

Evolve Assessment (user guidebook for an individual)

What is it All About

This involves crafting a user guidebook for the individual requesting this service. The user’s guidebook is a comprehensive script that shows you true functionality, how you want to be handled by others especially the significant people in your life and what you genuinely desire.


What you get:

  • A comprehensive document of life script
  • 1hr one-one clarity session (once off)

Delivery method: You will be directed to a link to download the User’s Manual Questionnaire, this you fill and email back to us via for analysis and we in turn reach out to you with your Comprehensive User’s Manual which is STRICTLY BASED ON YOUR RESPONSE TO THE QUESTIONS ASKED. 


Book a 1hr clarity session

Note: A link would be provided for booking your clarity session

Thrive Further Assessment
Thrive Assessment (for a married individual)

Flourish Assessment (for a married individual)

What is it All About

This is a seven step assessment for a married individual who wants to understand himself/herself better in order to flourish in their marriage. This assessment covers five (8) areas of testing namely: Personality, Basic Love code, Culture Compatibility, ACE evaluation, Self-Esteem appraisal, Personal belief alignment, Sexuality Awareness & Marital Assessments.


What you get:

  • A diagnostic report
  • 1hr one-one clarity session (once off)

Delivery method: You will be directed to a link to download the assessment documents, these you fill and email back to us via for analysis and we in turn reach out to you with a diagnostic report containing recommendation.


Kind note that the result to these assessment is STRICTLY BASED ON YOUR RESPONSE TO THE QUESTIONS ASKED. 


After which you Book a 1hr clarity session with us. (A link would be provided for booking your clarity session)

Thrive Assessment (for matured single)

What is it All About

What it is all about: This is a five step assessment for a matured singles who wants to understand himself/herself better in order to flourish either as a person or make the right choice of a partner. This assessment covers five (5) areas of testing namely: Personality, Basic Love code, Self Esteem, Culture Compatibility and Singleness Assessments


What you get:


  • A diagnostic report
  • 1hr one-one clarity session (once off)

Delivery method: You will be directed to a link to download the assessment documents, these you fill and email back to us via for analysis and we in turn reach out to you with a diagnostic report containing recommendation.


Kind note that the result to these assessment is STRICTLY BASED ON YOUR RESPONSE TO THE QUESTIONS ASKED. 


After which you Book a 1hr clarity session with us. (A link would be provided for booking your clarity session)

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Thrive evaluation (for engaged to be married)

What is it All About

This is a five step assessment for engaged to be married partners who wants to understand themselves better in order to make the right choice of a partner, flourish as a person and in marriage. This assessment covers five (5) areas of testing namely: Personality, Basic Love code, Self Esteem, Culture Compatibility and pre-marital Assessments


What you get:

  • A diagnostic report
  • 1hr one-one clarity session (once-off)


Delivery method: You will be directed to a link to download the assessment documents, these you fill and email back to us via for analysis, and we, in turn, reach out to you with a diagnostic report containing recommendation.


Kind note that the result to this assessment is STRICTLY BASED ON YOUR RESPONSE TO THE QUESTIONS ASKED. After which you Book a 1hr clarity session with us. (A link would be provided for booking your clarity session)

Personal thrive appraisal (for individual)

What is it All About

This is a five step assessment for engaged to be married partners who wants to understand themselves better in order to make the right choice of a partner, flourish as a person and in marriage. This assessment covers five (5) areas of testing namely: Personality, Basic Love code, Self Esteem, Culture Compatibility and pre-marital Assessments


What you get:

  • A diagnostic report
  • 1hr one-one clarity session (once-off)

Delivery method: You will be directed to a link to download the assessment documents, these you fill and email back to us via for analysis, and we, in turn, reach out to you with a diagnostic report containing recommendation.


Kind note that the result to this assessment is STRICTLY BASED ON YOUR RESPONSE TO THE QUESTIONS ASKED. 


After which you Book a 1hr clarity session with us. (A link would be provided for booking your clarity session)

Personal thrive appraisal (for individual)

Serenuns Consult 2021