If you are looking at the problem, you’re doomed to fail.

I know you have marriage problems and your situation probably appears to be very complicated. Maybe it is but maybe it’s not.
Maybe what’s complicated about your marriage is the way you’re analyzing it. Have you ever had a marital conflict, only find a solution to a problem and realise how simple the problem was, to begin with?
This is the value of hiring a coach, for example, is NOT just about the information they offer but it is about the PERSPECTIVE they bring to the table. The value is not just their solution, but they introduce you to a NEW way of seeing the problem. From there, the solution is easy.
I experience this in private sessions with people all the time. A husband or wife will explain all the intertwined nature of their marriage problems and express how they doubt it can ever get better”
Within minutes I will respond, “Have you tried approaching it like this…” and in our next session, I’ll learn that the issue was resolved, or that they’re on their way to reconciliation.
Now it’s not always that easy. Sometimes problems are complicated.
Paradigm is everything in interpreting any situation. If you adopted the right paradigm, then you solved the problem within minutes. It was easy.
In other words, if you’re looking at the problem wrong, you’re doomed to fail.
Sometimes people fail in their marriage because they are locked in the wrong paradigm, not because of any lack of effort, analysis, or care.
If you see your marriage or your spouse in the wrong light, then you will not succeed and no amount of effort will change that.
To fix your marriage problems, book a free 30 minutes consultation call here: https://bit.ly/free-30mins