How to forgive and be forgiven?

The closer you are to someone, the more likely you are to step on their toes. After all familiarity, they say it breeds contempt, and being married to someone certainly puts you closer together. So the chances are good that you and your spouse would hurt each other.
The point is that it’s NORMAL for you and your spouse to err and for those “misses” to cause hurt…sometimes serious hurt.
Have you made mistakes that hurt your spouse? Has your spouse hurt you?
You can forgive and be healed. In fact, your marriage can end up even BETTER!
Except in the case of physical abuse, that is “domestic violence” you can “move on” from anything.
Now…you are probably thinking, “Better?
It CAN be better, but you have to do one thing first. You have to forgive.
What does it REALLY mean to forgive?
The word “For-Give”…means, to GIVE as you did beFORE. That is letting go of hurt and accepting your spouse back without recounting the hurt or remembering the hurt with a painful memory.
That is true forgiveness. When you GIVE yourself to your spouse as you did beFORE you were hurt, then you have forgiven.
Saying “I forgive you” is an entirely different ball game than truly forgiving.
Not the type of forgiveness that is given but it is obvious from their actions that nothing’s changed or the type that means “I don’t want to talk about this. I can’t deal with this. I’m turning you off.”
That’s not easy to do, I know but it is possible. You can forgive each other and move on.
Once you forgive, you’ll see that your marriage will be BETTER than it was before. Do you know that when a broken bone heals it’s stronger than it was before it was broken? You too can be STRONGER than before things broke down between you and your spouse.
You have to know how to get to a place of sincere forgiveness. Join me to fix your marriage problems, book a free 30 minutes consultation call here:, I’ll show you how to get there.