How to get your spouse to listen

“Words can never hurt me, I am tough-skinned” said XYZ
Is that true?
Not necessarily, because even the most carefree person I have met, gets poked by words at times. This is because humans are emotional beings and you have to be a master of your emotions to perceive words well, irrespective of how they sound.
Words can do MORE than break your bones. They break your heart!
During a recent coaching session, a client said to me, “Chinenye, bleep, bleep, bleep was said to me by my spouse and I instantly heard wickedness in the voice and I I HATED her for the first time in our marriage”
Hate? Wow, that’s a strong feeling.
Isn’t it amazing how a few words can change everything?
Some words might be thrively said but carry much weight, phrases like the following….
“Get out of this marriage, I am fed up.”
“You’re just like my first wife.”
“You’re a loser.”
“You can’t do anything right.”
Sometimes said in the fist of rage and takes a lifetime to erase. What have your spouse said to you or what have you said to your spouse that broke your hearts or poisoned your marriage?
Yes, in rage, people say the dumbest things and even if you or your spouse didn’t mean to say it, once it’s said, the damage is done.
That’s why it’s so important for spouses to learn to control themselves and watch what they say.
You see, you are meant to LISTEN twice as much as you talk. Imagine how different your marriage would be if you and your spouse practiced.
Often clients say to me “But Chinenye, I was just being HONEST, that is how I feel”
In marriage, truth is not just a statement that’s factually accurate but it is a statement expressed with the utmost concern for another person’s feelings. That’s more than honesty; it’s Truth with a capital “T.”
You cannot say anything in the name of honesty. When you hurt your spouse with your words, it’s not honesty; it’s stupid and insensitive so speak the truth without a capital “T”
To save your marriage book a free appointment with a seasoned marriage coach today, click the link: