How to Navigate In-Law Relationships in marriage

The first early years of marriage may be a fantastic time to get to know each other intimately, to establish a home together, and to start your own rituals. It may, however, be stressful. The process of merging two people with vastly different backgrounds, experiences, family histories, and expectations into one lasting marriage is nothing short of miraculous.
New family ties may be challenging.
Relationships with in-laws are one of the most prevalent sources of conflict for new marriages, ranking alongside money and sex but it should come as no surprise that adapting to your in-laws, and them to you, might be a big challenge.
Consider how much time and effort they expended in raising your spouse. It may be tough for them to let go and trust that you will be able to meet his or her requirements just as well as they have over the past few years.
Always remember that your spouse was first a son, a daughter, a brother, a sister before a husband or a wife hence it is important to understand these different relationships in their life, honor them and create the right space for it all in your life.
Your in-laws may also have unrealistic expectations of you and/or your spouse when you begin your life together. They may expect to see or speak with you many times each week. They may believe you will spend all of your vacation time with them.
Alternatively, they may expect you to blindly accept their recommendations. These expectations are frequently not recognized or discussed until a problem develops. The objective is to identify and prevent possible conflicts between you and your in-laws before they become regular.
Rewriting your own past
When a couple marries, they must begin the process of reinventing themselves in accordance with how they want their new lives to unfold. Each individual enters the marriage with a unique background, set of habits, and expectations.
The primary issue in the early stages of marriage is deciding which elements of their history will be jointly penned and become part of the new partnership, and which will be left out or modified.
Most married people believe that because they are no longer living under their parents’ roofs, they are forging their own path. In other words, when you leave the boundaries of your parent’s house, you frequently think that you are a totally autonomous individual. It indicates a more significant activity than merely relocating. It involves shifting your loyalties from your parents to your spouse.
What most married people do not see after their wedding ceremony are the emotional “apron strings” still attached to each of their parents’ marriages. These emotional links, while not necessarily harmful, might prevent a couple from properly articulating how their new partnership would be distinct from their prior reliance on their parent.
Establishing clear limits
Establishing limits with parents and in-laws is one of the most difficult jobs for married couples. In relationships, a boundary is a type of line that helps us grasp who we are and what we are accountable for. In marriage, this includes your new identity as a married pair.
This means you have the right to privacy, to decline spur-of-the-moment dinner invites, unannounced visit to the home, to select how you want to spend your vacations or holidays, and so on. Setting limits is a method of safeguarding what is most essential to you. Failure to set clear limits with in-laws in these and other areas, on the other hand, can lead to marital strife.
Expressing where you want those boundary lines to be in your relationship with in-laws is not only beneficial for your marriage, but it also helps your in-laws understand how to support both of you.
Agree jointly on what you want and communicate it
Our past to a large extent determines the life we live expect you do something intentional to rewrite that part that are disempowering and this is the essence of the first point.
When you have both reviewed your past and seen the likely areas that can sabotage your marraige and create a new narrative about it then the next step is to review your originating families. Be sincere and tell yourselves the truth about things from your originating families that has the likelihood of sabotaging your marriage.
Jointly take decision on how you would like it to be managed in your new home and the level of it’s involvement, you can permit.
Haven done these, it is time to communicate it to your respective family members. You both take charge in communicating this. The husband should communicate these boundaries to his family and the wife should do the same. Remember, to communicate it in love to them and remind them that it is for the good of everyone and especially because you know they love you and want the best for you.
Begin on firm footing.
It is difficult to erase early habits that are established in place, so getting off to a positive relationship start with in-laws is critical for newlyweds. Though difficult to start, open, straightforward communication is typically the best method to resolving disagreements. You should strive to take the lead in resolving recognized tensions or difficulties whenever feasible.
Solving the problems may not always be possible. Some parents don’t understand or have any intentions of respecting these types of boundaries. They are accustomed to intrusive ways of relating and expect that to be the case even after marriage of their child. This is when you Begin on firm footing as apparent so it does not become a source of conflict in your marriage.
Though difficult to start, open, straightforward communication is typically the best method to resolving disagreements. You should strive to take the lead in resolving recognized tensions or difficulties whenever feasible. To avoid potentially catastrophic disagreement later on, clear ground rules may need to be established early on.
Learning to get along with each other’s families is a gift you offer to each other. And the value of that gift is sure to rise when children become a part of your life together. The way you demonstrate loyalty to one other and create limits with your in-laws in the early years of your marriage will damage you.
Points to Consider
- Maintaining a good relationship with your in-laws may be difficult, but following a few simple rules may go a long way.
- Avoid comparing your in-laws to your own parents.
- Get to know your in-laws as they are, not as you wish them to be.
- Address possible problem areas as soon as they are identified, but do so with love and empathy.
- Take a proactive approach to issue solving to foster respect and effective communication.
- Express your gratitude to your in-laws as often as possible