I don’t need a marriage coach

Of what use is a marriage coach? Asked Mr & Mrs naysay
After all that they say is common knowledge and every marriage goes through a crisis including that so-called marriage coach.
Haba Ma! Haba sir! relax, life na je-je and yes you are absolutely right about the statement.
How can a sick patient know better than his doctor simply because the doctor also falls sick? You know I am just sitting and wondering out aloud
But why wait to be beaten by the rain before you seek shelter? If that knowledge is so common why are you finding it difficult to implement it in your marriage?
Yes, your marriage coach experiences conflict just like any married person but the difference is that they have got the magic wand of implementation. A good marriage coach certainly knows what to do in the face of conflict, they do not guess or experiment unlike any other couple who depend on native intelligence.
Marriage is sweet and can be enjoyed if we let go of the stereotype of I do not need a third party. Instead replace it with, I need a third party who is a professional when things get to a stage that we cannot manage between us.
Every marriage needs a check-up and a coach just like your tooth needs a dentist every six months.Your coach is the doctor of your mind. If the mind is sick the whole body goes down.
Do you currently enjoy marital satisfaction?
Do you feel loved?
Do you feel involved or left out in your marriage?
Do you ever think that things are no longer the way they were?
Do you feel taken for granted?
Do you feel your voice or rights are snatched?
AND lots more…If your answer is Yes to any of the above then…
Your marriage needs that check-up. To book a call with a professional marriage coach today, book a free appointment on : https://bit.ly/free-30mins