My husband insists that his mummy photo enlargement be hung in our living room as well as our bedroom.Meanwhile, there is no singular photo of mine in the house, according to a source reaching me.
The wife went on to say “I have no problem with having her enlarged photo in our living room but why also in our bedroom?”
Hmmm…the love of extended family members! Where do we put the boundary?
Is this love or obsession?
Would a spouse who truly loves his spouse stick to such unhealthy attachment?
It should be obvious that there are basic differences between being in love or just obsessed. Sadly, that’s not always the case. Many people find themselves in marriage that they feel is loving when, in reality, it’s an unhealthy obsession.
Even when these people are faced with the facts, they often refuse to admit that they’re more obsessed than in love. In fact, you may be one of those people who is obsessed, rather than in love. So if you haven’t gone completely round the bend, following are some signs that you may be obsessed rather than in love:
You flake on responsibilities because of a chance that you’ll have of running into the object of your obsession. This includes missing important appointments, evading or ignoring duty because you take sides blindly with the wrong party. Why can’t you create harmony between the two?
When you miss commitments just because of your obsession, you’re only going to be sorry later in life.You miss out on things that you love doing just so that you can be available for people who often use you for your kind heart. They lash on your weakness to destroy you and possibly your home.
What you’re actually doing is putting your life on hold for another person. Now, this may be disastrous if you’re in a serious relationship or are married,as it would ruin your home.
Your spouse is taking a back seat to your obsession. When you’re obsessed with In-laws or family, you’ll tend to ignore your spouse in favour of being available for these persons, even when they haven’t called or made plans with you. Eventually, you will start driving your spouse away from you because they understand that you do not care much about them now.
If you notice any of these signs within yourself, please take note how far you have fallen down the Rabbit Hole. You are not meant to stop living your life or put your spouse’s life to a stop,just because you love your family. The secret is in finding harmony, if it is necessary for you to always be available for them on the off chance or that your spouse should always be the source of your happiness, do everything for you and solve all of your problems, then it is imperative that you get some help in overcoming your obsession. This is something that could ruin your entire life if you allow it. That’s why you need to do everything possible to move past this obsession and involve yourself in a healthy marriage and healthy in-law relationship
Here is the good news, you can sign up for FREE to attend the next episode of MEALS WITH CHINNY on “In-laws Essentials for a Successful Marriage” to learn how to leave in harmony with extended family and also get the full video class on the last episode of “The REACH+ MODEL to forgiveness.”
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