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Life Rediscovery Coaching

Life Rediscovery Coaching

Gaining self-awareness about your thoughts and emotional reactions will open up opportunities to learn and grow. After taking the assessment, we will schedule an in-depth debrief session to lay the foundation of what the assessment measures, why it is helpful, and to go over your specific results.


From there, you will have empowering information to start your coaching sessions where we utilize the information you learned from the assessment. When did you last check in with yourself to fully understand who you are now?


Perhaps, you’ve been spending time prioritizing the needs of others, perhaps you’ve experienced significant life events in the last decade or perhaps you’re feeling stuck or lost and want a life reboot! Work with me to rediscover who you are, what you want and how you can achieve it.


The Life Rediscovery Coaching Program is a great opportunity to reflect on different aspects of your life in order to bring your life to balance, harmony, happiness, authentic living and to help to find purpose in life.

Recommended to people in difficult life situations (after burnout at work, divorce, students who graduate school and don’t know what to do in their life) and generally to everybody who want to get their life back on track. Rediscover Your Best Self, Achieve Your Dreams, Change Your Life.

Life Rediscovery

Serenuns Consult 2021