Misconceptions about clarity in marriage

Look, I love the idea of husband and wife. Yes, I love marriage and the concept of man and wife makes me blush. Marriage is indeed a beautiful thing and more beautiful is it if you willingly went into marriage with a clear vision.
Do not get me wrong. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being single if that is your decision then by all means you are whole.
However, if you have chosen marriage, do it right and gain all the clarity you need for a happy marriage in order to avoid the myths and misconceptions in marriage. Here are some misconceptions you need clarity on to BE PANIC free in your marriage
- Breadwinner Myth: The man is the sole breadwinner of the family and it is his sole responsibility. This has in fact imprisoned the serenity and happiness of many marriages. Who sold these lies to you?
Why can’t the two work together for the growth of the marriage and if the woman’s income is more, why can’t she contribute more knowing fully well that the man is contributing to other areas of the marriage?
- Emotion is a gender: A woman is the weaker vessel (emotional) while the man is the stronger one (logical). Emotions have no gender and know no gender. Every emotion we experience either as a man or woman is valid and our interpretation of these emotions is responsible for our reactions. You need not be a man or a woman to be logical or emotional. Trust me, I have many logical men as well as women and in the same way, I have met so many emotional men as well as women.
- Purpose of marriage: Have you answered your question of purpose about your marriage? A lot of married persons have not identified the reason for being married nor have they answered the question of purpose about their marriage. When you do not know why you are married then you cannot align your purpose with that of your spouse. How can you enjoy serenity in your marriage when you are headed in different directions?
- Assumptions: Assumptions are one of the biggest enemies of marriage. Many married people harbor different assumptions in their marriage and allow it to be the bedrock of their existence. One of the most disastrous assumptions or conclusions is the assumption that the work involved in marriage is once-off, meaning once I put in the effort to woo my spouse and we are married, then the work is over. How wrong you are! The work only began to put in the work needed
- Not being real: Deception sadly has been the order of some marriages. Live a fake life and not being real has consumed marriages. This sometimes is a result of loss of a person’s identity so they tend to become who they really are not or it could be to conceal some dark past or even an issue with personality traced back to childhood. They fear they would lose their spouse if they start real life so a lot end up becoming someone else until they cannot sustain that role. You need to see a coach to gain clarity and help on this
- Identity: The full knowledge of your identity and that of your spouse is vital to the peaceful existence of your marriage. Not fully understanding themselves before going into marriage and then trying to understand their spouse. When you are lost in a location, how can you find another person? So you need to fully understand and love yourself first so you can effectively understand and love your spouse.
- Common Knowledge: Everything a coach would tell you is common knowledge so I do not need a coach. I need nobody in my marriage because everything they say is common knowledge. This is the most laughter statement I have heard in my coaching experience and you know some, they are in fact right but I keep wondering since it is that common, why are they still stuck in the endless cycle of conflict that consumes the peace in their home?
Come close and activate the bliss your marriage is seeking. To book a free 30 minutes consultation, call Chinenye on 08171964889