
February 11, 2022

Reach out! Your spouse need your touch

Reach out! Your spouse need your touch

Why do some couples become shy in marriage?

They fail to experience their needs or ignore their spouse’s needs as well. Here is what you should do…reach out and touch your spouse. Try a warm kiss, a gentle rub, stroke their cheek, or play with their feet. 

It only takes a moment but releases positive energy that can last you for the whole day.

Reach out! Your spouse need your touch

Fill your marriage with a few of those moments each day and your relationship will begin to change.

Now I don’t want to leave you hanging…wondering how can I reach out and touch my spouse. I have figured out 40 ways to touch your spouse, certainly, they are not limited to these. Don’t be overwhelmed, just pick what works for you. 

P.S: I advise you to begin with 2 for the next 24 hours.

40 list to reach out and touch your spouse today:

  1. Trust your spouse’s decisions and express confidence.
  2. Share your meal together with one cutlery.
  3. Recall your song when you were dating then call your spouse and sing it to them.
  4. Give your spouse a surprise visit at their office and give them a meal possibly and kiss then leave.
  5. Play with your foot next time you sit together
  6. Ask about your spouse’s day and really listen
  7. Kiss your spouse upon waking
  8. Kiss your spouse before falling asleep
  9. Caress your spouse’s hand constantly
  10. Reach out and touch your spouse’s cheek or hand while driving
  11. Rub shoulders next time you sit next to each other
  12. Sit on your spouse’s lap or let him/her sit on yours
  13. Give a compliment on something your spouse is wearing
  14. Call your spouse suddenly and let them know you are thinking of them
  15. Give neck or shoulder massage to your spouse
  16. Tell your spouse that if you had to do it all over again, you’d choose them
  17. Stroke your spouse’s hair while talking in bed
  18. Hold hands and fall asleep
  19. Tell your spouse to drive safely next time they leave the house
  20. Say “I’m sorry” about a mistake you made
  21. Think of 3 ways your spouse has improved you and tell them.
  22. Praise your spouse physical trait
  23. Look at your spouse when they are unaware of your gaze and share your feelings
  24. Tell your spouse what you most admire about them
  25. Thank your spouse for help through challenging times in your life
  26. Always find a reason to touch your spouse when you are in the same room
  27. Hold hands under the table
  28. Brush your mate’s hair out of his/her eyes
  29. Straighten his tie, being sure to touch him with love
  30. Button or zip her dress, ensure to touch her with love
  31. Share a kiss in the elevator when no one is looking
  32. Express confidence in your spouse’s ability to overcome a problem
  33. Listen to your spouse’s worries and ask how you can help
  34. Craft a special code word for “I love you” and send your spouse a message with your special “code words” for I Love You!
  35. Wake your spouse up with a massage
  36. While your spouse is reading, kiss the back of your spouse’s neck
  37. Tell your spouse you can’t wait to see him/her again before parting
  38. Give extra hugs for no reason as it never hurt anyone
  39. Play with your spouse while they sleep.
  40. Sneak a letter/note into your spouse’s pocket telling him/her 5 things you love about them.

To save your marriage book a free appointment with a seasoned marriage coach today, click the link:

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