Oh! Conditioning, how you have killed marriages.
Open exchange of conversation is vital for a happy marriage irrespective of the subject matter.
Do you know that without open exchange of conversation you cannot enjoy your intimate life as a married couple? Do you encourage each other to share and create room for safe vulnerable?
Some married people are shy, scared or inexperienced in communicating and welcome an opportunity to share. Both body language and verbal communication invite an exchange of conversation.
How have you been using it in your marriage?
In my years of coaching, I have met couples who are shy to express their feelings and needs to each other.
Once I met a lady who struggled for weeks to communicate that the real issue they are experiencing in their marriage even to her spouse as it was sexually related. During the session she kept on beating around the bush and as a professional my duty is never to tell you but to guide you.
At some point she realised that she had paid me and was doing herself a disservice by not being open. By the third week of coaching, she had no other option than to say “let me just say the truth”, I have been …… with my spouse.
At last we are getting somewhere, we began troubleshooting the problem, only to realise that the foundation of their problem was open exchange of conversation. She felt her spouse would consider her spoilt of she communicated her sexual nedds.
Here are so some effective way to have an open exchange of conversation as a couple, when you talk; face each other with open arms or lay in your spouse arms, look into your spouse eyes gently (not probing, glaring or staring),encourage a conversation with a warm smile that is both verbal and unspoken and do not be judgemental.
P.S: And Yes You buy the video class on misconception about clarity in marriage: and end that endless cycles of conflict