Tunde hid the cigarette he was smoking as soon as he
heard the knock at the door.
Lisa walked in and could pick the cigarette smile.
“Why can’t you ever do something right”? screamed Lisa
“I have done everything possible to make you stop and yet”, she went on further
Mr Tunde was speechless as he stood up pulling out the cigarette from his mouth.
He was losing his cool…Why do some couples do this?
Many married persons are acutely aware of what their spouse is doing that is causing relationship problems, but completely unaware of what they are doing.
Take your
eyes off your spouse plate.
It is very
easy to point fingers at your spouse forgetting that you too have a role to
play in the happiness of your home so learn to look inwards.
- Sometimes
there is a discovery and awareness to be done.
- Sometimes
there is forgiveness, healing and a closure to be done.
- Sometimes
there is learning, unlearning and relearning to be done,etc.
You cannot
change anyone. It is not your job to fix your spouse. You can only change
yourself so why not become the change you desire in order to influence the
desire you harbour?
Have you tasted a MEAL WITH CHINNY? Kindly invite a friend to join us in the next episode coming up in two weeks time (29th March, 2022) by sharing this link with them: https://bit.ly/Marriage-webinar-wishlist