Understanding Noted Couples Marital Conflict in their Stages

In order to resolve marital conflict, it is importance to understand the different stages of conflict that virtually every married couple go through in their marriage.The following are four stages of marital conflict that intensify marital discord:
1. Have Your Say.
Couples who are newly married prefer to avoid confrontation in order to settle their differences. This is found mostly in couples who were not taught from childhood on how to solve problem, so in order to maintain peace, they would rather suffer in silence.
They give in to each other without ever attempting to handle the underlying issue. This is a fast route to depression and divorce if not addressed in a timely manner. If you find yourself giving in anytime you have a disagreement with your husband, you will soon become weary of this pattern and will begin to alter your mindset toward the next step
2. My Way the only way.
This can be found among couples who have exhausted themselves by ignoring their own needs frequently choose the need of the spouse all the time.They this not willingly but out of compulsion or fear.
At a point the get overwhelmed and they begin to demand that their demands be satisfied immediately. A woman who has kept her ideas to herself may discover that she is unhappy. Then she may begin to express her views and opinions at every chance. Unfortunately, the husband and wife begin to bumping heads.
3. Let Us Have It Our Way.
The third step entails bargaining and compromising with one another and it is found among couples who want to make their marriage work. They work as a team to find solution to the chanllenges presented to them in their marraige.
The pair may be excited about their novel communication style at initially, but their enthusiasm diminishes with time. Couples are encountering increased time demands at this point in their marriage.
Parenting obligations, economics, and hectic schedules all add to the stress. Couples may begin to doubt their compatibility at this period due to an inefficient conflict resolution technique and the increasing stresses of life, however, the decision to have solution their way brings calmness to their dispute.
4. Whatever Way is fine.
This stage is characterised by a sense of resignation. The parties in the marriage are feed up and sometimes have also lost hope that things can ever be better.
Hence they just decide to make do of whatever. They begin to exist as roommates instead as living as a married couple.
Couples in this stage are weary by the never-ending disputes and may feel pessimistic that all of the unsolved issues will ever be resolved. If you find yourself in this situation, you should seek professional marriage advice.