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An extra-ordinary productive life begins with a serene state of mind. You Owe yourself one, Still wondering how? Get solution on…

What we stand for

Serenus consult co-creates serenity with you for raising whole children, building a healthier marriages, managing mental health issues and raising above Organizational complexities for that inner peace and harmony deserving of all humanity using tested tools and assessment that guarantees results.


Here at serenus consult we bring you the protocols of serenity (POS), which is a six step pathway to ensuring a flourishing and mental wellbeing as an individual, couple and family or an organization.

Protocol of serenity as designed by serenus consult is based on a series of six core guiding lights known as “CEARTS”.

C: Clarity

E: Engage

A: Activate

R: Review

T: Tactical

S: Support

Serenus Consult Serenity


Our Solutions

Recovery Coaching

Recovery Coaching/Therapy

This is a type of future-focused strengths-based support for people with addictions or in recovery from alcohol…

Parenting Coaching

Marital conflict coaching

Marriage and family coaching is not only available for couples going through crisis, but for everyone! Are you seeking solution to thrive or is your marriage going through a turbulent season? We can …  

Overcoming Depression and Anxiety Therapy

Overcoming Depression therapy is for people who feel dissatisfaction, confused & challenged.
Grief Coaching

Grief Coaching/Therapy

Do you need coping tools for grief, or at dangers of suppressing Grief, dealing with pain of loss, death, distraction and Grief…

Thrive Appraisal & Analysis

Diagnostic Assessments & Analysis

After your complimentary call, if you are still unsure about committing to a coaching relationship…

pre divorce Coaching

Pre Divorce Coaching

Are you struggling with the decision on whether to stay in your marriage or get a divorce?If you find yourself wondering

Post divorce coaching image

Post Divorce Coaching

You’re not doing anything wrong. Most people realize their marriage is not going well long before someone files for a divorce.

Life Rediscovery Coaching/Therapy

Gaining self-awareness about your thoughts and emotional reactions will open up opportunities to learn and grow. 


Personal Life Enrichment

Are you pursuing long-term stability in life? Are you longing to maximize your potential in any area of life? Are you …

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Serenuns Consult 2021